Welcome to our Wealth Journey Projections Web App


This application uses the Monte Carlo Simulation to model scenarios to project the probability of your retirement "Nest Egg" lasting through your Golden Years.


Below is a form asking for information. Enter in the information and click submit. Upon submittal, you will be redirected to a new page that renders the results of the calculation with a chart. The form has placeholder values that will be used if left blank.

Any information provided in this form will only be used in the calculation. None of the information entered will be saved.


Investment Type:

  • Stocks = SP500
  • Bonds = 10-Year Treasury Bond
  • SB_Blend = 50% SP500 / 50% TBond
  • SBC_blend = 40% SP500 / 50% TBond / 10% Cash

Other Terms:

  • Start Value = Dollar amount of your retirement fund
  • Annual Withdrawal = Annual pre-tax withdraw in today's dollars
  • Minimum Years in Retirement = The minimum amount of years to be using the retirement account
  • Most Likely Years in Retirement = The anticipated greatest likelihood of the number of years to be using the retirement account
  • Maximum Years in Retirement = The maximum number of years to be using the retirement account
  • Number of Cases to Run in Model = The default is 50,000. The simulation will run this number of simulations to determing the probabilities. It is recommended to use the default value.